Peru: An Archaeological Tour


The spine of Peru is the Andes, a mountain range whose peaks and valleys were the cradle of ancient homes and the Incan empire from 1438-1533. As a student studying under the Yale Albers Grant in 2019, I visited Lima, Cusco, and Machu Picchu and spent three weeks as an archaeological assistant at a site in Huanchaco, Peru. This post is dedicated less to the tourist attractions we visited and more to my favorite memories of the culture I experienced and the wonderful friends I made. 
What is Peruvian culture like? What are the archaeological treasures in the region's art and artifacts? And how was the history of the country reflected in its current state?

The courtyard of the Convent of San Francisco, Lima

A quipu, the knot "language" of the Inca

Ruins to the north of Cusco

Machu Picchu: note terraces, houses, and Huayna Picchu

ChanChan Historic Site, Huanchaco


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